Mortadella Salat-Torte
Mortadella Salat-Torte
20-25 mins
20 mins
  • K&N’s Mortadella Slices - 18-20 slices
  • Cabbage leaves - 8
  • Tortilla sheets - 4-5
  • Cucumber - 1; sliced and julienned
  • Red chilli flakes - as required
  • Black pepper powder - as required
  • Salt - as required
  • Creamy macaroni - as required
  • Carrot - 1; shredded
  • Iceberg lettuce - as required; julienned
  • Eggs - as required; boiled and sliced
  • Bell pepper - 1 cup; julienned
  • Tomatoes - ¼ cup; cubed


In a cake pan, lay cabbage leaves on base and sides on a pan and place a tortilla sheet on it.

Add a layer of cucumber, sprinkle red chilli flakes, black pepper powder and salt.

Top it with a layer of creamy macaroni, carrot and sprinkle red chilli flakes, black pepper powder and salt.

Place another tortilla sheet, iceberg lettuce, egg slices, sprinkle red chilli flakes, black pepper powder and salt.

Thaw K&N’s Mortadella Slices as per instructions on the pack.

Add a layer of K&N’s Mortadella Slices and bell pepper. Sprinkle salt, red chilli flakes and black pepper powder.

Cover it with a tortilla sheet, top it with creamy macaroni and place shredded cucumber on the sides of the pan in a circular shape.

Make a flower with K&N’s Mortadella Slices and garnish with tomatoes.

Mortadella salat-torte is ready. Remove it from the pan carefully and cut a slice. Serve and enjoy.


Creamy Macaroni
  • Macaroni - 2 cups; boiled
  • Mayonnaise - 1 cup
  • Cream - ¼ cup
  • Icing sugar - 1 tbsp
  • Black pepper powder - 1 tsp
  • Salt - ½ tsp / to taste


In a bowl, add mayonnaise, cream, icing sugar, salt, black pepper powder, salt and mix well. Add boiled macaroni, mix well and set aside.

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